As previously mentioned on tablehopper, there’s another spot to get your baked goods on: this time, it’s FLOUR + CO. from Emily Day, who used to run operations over at La Boulange (that’s in the pre-Starbucks era), and her husband, Ryan. For some cool details on the building and remodel of the space, check out Day’s blog.
The spot is absolutely darling (but not too twee), with turquoise walls, lots of sunshine, and a plethora of fresh flowers. It’s pretty much the perfect place to enjoy a spring afternoon, especially since they’ve got Stumptown coffee and some rockin’ baked goods. Day is all about using what she calls “the good stuff,” like real butter, flour, eggs, and produce, to create simple but delicious pastries. Each of these ingredients has taken on a bit of a personality, which you can see in the graphic design at the location. The wonderful graphics, from Rubber Design feature personifications of milk, eggs, and flour, and appear not only on the walls but also on the to-go cups.
As for the menu, look out for cookies, fruit bars, buttermilk biscuits, and seasonal specials (a recent one was strawberry pie with Straus ice cream, can you say springtime?). There are also sandwiches and salads for lunch, plus a potpie. For lunch, check out granola and yogurt or, for a savory option, try the biscuits and gravy. They’ve also got cakes, pies, and loaves of bread, so it’s a great place to pick up something on your way somewhere fabulous. They’re currently open daily 6:30am-6pm. 1030 Hyde St. at Pine, 415-992-7620.
The sunny interior of Flour + Co. Photo: Dana Massey-Todd. ©