Last week the local media and some culinary colleagues received a teaser USB flash drive from William Werner (formerly Tell Tale Preserve Company) and Outfit Generic, loaded with images of his playful creations. There was also a cryptic image of an industrial roof, and I assumed it meant he was going to be opening his pâtisserie concept in the 740 Valencia space after all (it was the intended location for Tell Tale before investor woes monkey-wrenched the entire project).
As for this new project, the name has yet to be revealed, and timing is also a bit vague—all we know is spring. But the Scoop was fed a bit more info about the project, with confirmation that Werner will be joining Dandelion Chocolate, The Abbott’s Cellar, and other projects in landlord-developer Ron Mallia’s awesome property on Valencia. More details: hours will be 7am-8pm, serving sweet and savory items, Sightglass Coffee, Naivetea tea, and beer and wine (wine director Michael Ireland of Meadowood will be assembling the list) in the 1,200-square-feet space. Stand by for more in coming weeks. 746 Valencia St. at 18th St.
The mysterious roof photo. Photo from Outfit Generic.