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The Starlet

1816 posts
The Starlet

Thomas Keller

Thomas Keller Returns to Frances December 11, 2012 After his interview/talk at the JCC on Saturday night, Thomas Keller (successfully) dined at Frances according to this sighting from the Dapper Diner (other tweets mention he dined with the Chronicle’s Michael Bauer, who interviewed Keller that evening). Another Visit…
Marcia Gagliardi
Marcia Gagliardi
The Starlet

Thomas Keller Returns to Frances

After his interview/talk at the JCC on Saturday night, Thomas Keller (successfully) dined at Frances according to this sighting from the Dapper Diner (other tweets mention he dined with the Chronicle’s Michael Bauer, who interviewed Keller that evening).…
Marcia Gagliardi
Marcia Gagliardi
The Starlet

Benjamin Bratt

The Bratt and the Bond Girl November 27, 2012 Benjamin Bratt and his wife, Talisa Soto, who played a Bond girl in License to Kill, were spotted at Just for You Café by a tablehopper tipster on Saturday. They were there having a quiet brunch with their kids and are…
Marcia Gagliardi
Marcia Gagliardi
The Starlet

The Bratt and the Bond Girl

Benjamin Bratt and his wife, Talisa Soto, who played a Bond girl in License to Kill, were spotted at Just for You Café by a tablehopper tipster on Saturday. They were there having a quiet brunch with their kids and are apparently quite the handsome/hot family.…
Marcia Gagliardi
Marcia Gagliardi
The Starlet

Talisa Soto

The Bratt and the Bond Girl November 27, 2012 Benjamin Bratt and his wife, Talisa Soto, who played a Bond girl in License to Kill, were spotted at Just for You Café by a tablehopper tipster on Saturday. They were there having a quiet brunch with their kids and are…
Marcia Gagliardi
Marcia Gagliardi
The Starlet

Michael Jordan

It's a Slam Dunk for Truffle Season November 20, 2012 Last Monday, the amazing Michael Jordan dined at Perbacco with two other companions. He enjoyed the seasonal truffle menu, of course. According to co-owner Umberto Gibin, he was very nice.…
Marcia Gagliardi
Marcia Gagliardi
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