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The Starlet

1816 posts
The Starlet

Chris Berman

Boomer Whoops It Up January 22, 2013 Sportscaster Chris Berman popped in to the Presidio Social Club last week. He fueled up on the meat loaf and a glass of Chardonnay, and was apparently quite a jolly fellow.…
Marcia Gagliardi
Marcia Gagliardi
The Starlet

Pat Riley

More Sporty Sightings Around Town January 22, 2013 Last week, Pat Riley of NBA fame enjoyed a meal at Bluestem Brasserie. Then, on Sunday, Blake Griffin and DeAndre Jordan of the Clippers also stopped in at Bluestem and enjoyed two rounds of the mussels.…
Marcia Gagliardi
Marcia Gagliardi
The Starlet

DeAndre Jordan

More Sporty Sightings Around Town January 22, 2013 Last week, Pat Riley of NBA fame enjoyed a meal at Bluestem Brasserie. Then, on Sunday, Blake Griffin and DeAndre Jordan of the Clippers also stopped in at Bluestem and enjoyed two rounds of the mussels.…
Marcia Gagliardi
Marcia Gagliardi
The Starlet

Blake Griffin

More Sporty Sightings Around Town January 22, 2013 Last week, Pat Riley of NBA fame enjoyed a meal at Bluestem Brasserie. Then, on Sunday, Blake Griffin and DeAndre Jordan of the Clippers also stopped in at Bluestem and enjoyed two rounds of the mussels.…
Marcia Gagliardi
Marcia Gagliardi
The Starlet

Meryl Streep

The Devil Shops for Prada January 15, 2013 According to a friend’s post on Facebook, the fabulous Meryl Streep was spotted at the Rotunda at Neiman Marcus just a couple of days before Christmas.…
Marcia Gagliardi
Marcia Gagliardi
The Starlet

Lake Wobegon Not So Gone

Garrison Keillor of NPR’s Prairie Home Companion dined at Ella’s last Tuesday. He was there with a few companions—no word on whether or not they were strong, good looking, and above average.…
Marcia Gagliardi
Marcia Gagliardi
The Starlet

Paul Pierce

The Truth, with Bubbly January 15, 2013 Boston Celtics forward Paul Pierce shared some bubbly with a lady friend at the Redwood Room over the holidays. He was overheard expressing an interest in partying and was reportedly very polite (and a good tipper!).…
Marcia Gagliardi
Marcia Gagliardi
The Starlet

The Truth, with Bubbly

Boston Celtics forward Paul Pierce shared some bubbly with a lady friend at the Redwood Room over the holidays. He was overheard expressing an interest in partying and was reportedly very polite (and a good tipper!).…
Marcia Gagliardi
Marcia Gagliardi
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