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The Starlet

1816 posts
The Starlet

Van Halen

Panama! July 13, 2010 Awww yeah, two members of Van Halen were spotted at Mama’s on Washington Square on Sunday for brunch. They had Monte Cristos (the wise choice) and eggs Benedict. Rock.…
Marcia Gagliardi
Marcia Gagliardi
The Starlet


Awww yeah, two members of Van Halen were spotted at Mama’s on Washington Square on Sunday for brunch. They had Monte Cristos (the wise choice) and eggs Benedict. Rock.…
Marcia Gagliardi
Marcia Gagliardi
The Starlet

Willem Dafoe

Someone Needs the Tablehopper's Guide to SF July  6, 2010 Willem Dafoe was spotted at The Stinking Rose on Columbus with his girlfriend. (Pretty on-point and funny choice of location considering his recent role in the vampire movie, Daybreakers.) They sat in a romantic booth all the way…
Marcia Gagliardi
Marcia Gagliardi
The Starlet

Someone Needs the Tablehopper's Guide to SF

Willem Dafoe was spotted at The Stinking Rose on Columbus with his girlfriend. (Pretty on-point and funny choice of location considering his recent role in the vampire movie, Daybreakers.) They sat in a romantic booth all the way in the back of The Bagna Calda room and shared sizzling skillet…
Marcia Gagliardi
Marcia Gagliardi
The Starlet

Lunchin' With A-Rod

A-Rod (known on his birth certificate as Alex Rodriguez) had lunch at Scala’s Bistro yesterday with friends. He ordered shrimp Louis and the pappardelle pork sugo. He told the sous chef, “It’s always great here, that’s why I always come back.” Nice.…
Marcia Gagliardi
Marcia Gagliardi
The Starlet

Rockin' Out at Wayfare

A tablehopper reader was happy to see Sammy Hagar dining at Wayfare Tavern (which is likely to happen again, since Hagar is a partner in TyFlo’s upcoming El Paseo project in Mill Valley).…
Marcia Gagliardi
Marcia Gagliardi
The Starlet

Chris Robinson

Stars, They Like Mexican Food Just Like Us! July  6, 2010 A tablehopper reader writes in: “Saw Chris Robinson of the Black Crowes tonight at Puerto Alegre on Valencia tonight. He waited in line ‘just like the rest of us.’” (Ed. note: I think some margaritas are to blame for…
Marcia Gagliardi
Marcia Gagliardi
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