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Jun 24, 2014 1 min read

Martha Stewart

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Good Things at ICHI and Tartine

June 24, 2014

Queen of all things beautiful, crafty, and perfect, Martha Stewart was at ICHI Sushi on Thursday. Then she hit up Tartine Bakery on Friday for some morning buns and a ham and cheese croissant. She was in town for a book signing at Macy’s, and, yes, she did manage to tweet some mediocre food photos while she was here.

It Was a Beautiful Séance

May 20, 2014

Annie Stoll, one of the owners of Delfina, wrote in to tell us that she had one of the best celebrity run-ins ever last week. While she was running a hospitality meeting for the staff, domestic goddess Martha Stewart walked in and asked, “What are you doing in here, having a séance?” She then sat down outside to enjoy a nice lunch, which she loved. Wouldn’t Martha have the best tips for crafting your own séance?

Martha Stewart Made the Rounds in SF

November  8, 2011

Martha Stewart was in town, demoing recipes from her new book at Macy’s San Francisco, swinging by Google for a fireside chat, and was spotted at the Ferry Plaza Farmers Market over the weekend (one spotter says he saw her get chided by the Boulette’s Larder crankpots for taking a picture, classic).

But my favorite highlight of her SF tour was hearing about her visit to Mission Chinese Food for dinner. She came in with around 14 guests, and wanted to make noodles with chef Danny Bowien, but he told her she was there to eat (Bowien was recently on her show making hand-pulled noodles with her in New York). She was friendly with other tables, allowing people to take pictures with her, and here’s the best part: she came in to the kitchen at the end of the meal and drank a Budweiser with the kitchen crew. Seems drinking a Buddy out of a can is the new MCF celeb treatment, since Ferran Adrià did the same thing after his dinner at MCF last month. Cheers, Martha!

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