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Apr 23, 2007 1 min read

Wok On The Wild Side

Wok On The Wild Side
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The Ninth Annual ~WOK ON THE WILD SIDE~ is coming up. It's an event that is prepared and presented by the students and chefs of City College of San Francisco’s Culinary Arts and Hospitality Studies Department. The Culinary (CAHS) program at CCSF is the oldest public two-year A.A. program in the U.S., with stellar alums like Jeff Hanak at Nopa, Nick Peyton of Cyrus, and Sean O'Brien of Myth, just to name a few. Go to any fine restaurant, hotel or catering company in the SF Bay Area and beyond and you'll find a CAHS alum. That said, they are a public school in an era of low (really low) funding. The Wok is their annual fundraiser when they open their main kitchen and showcase the chefs and students.

The event means four kitchens, eight chefs, and lots of students, serving up the sweet, spicy, savory… and grilled, roasted and toasted. Take an international taste tour of exquisite food and wines, while a live auction will offer elegant dinners, romantic getaways, fine foods, wines, and overnight hotel accommodations to bid on.

This special event benefits student programs including scholarships and upgrades of kitchen and classroom facilities for the CAHS, a great event to support.

Wok On The Wild Side
Friday, April 27, 2007

City College of San Francisco
Statler Wing
Ocean/Phelan Campus
50 Phelan Avenue SW156
San Francisco, CA 94112



$75 per person

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