You'd think I have it in for your liver or something. Coming up is a ~WINES OF PORTUGAL~, a first-time tasting with over 48 Portuguese wine producers and more than 400 wines.
Press and trade can attend the tasting during the day, and the public tasting (with food and wine) in the evening will benefit Share Our Strength's Taste of the Nation. (100 percent of the door proceeds will benefit the charity.) For those eager to sharpen their knowledge of Portuguese wines, the "Keys to Understanding Portugal's Major Grape Varietals" seminar will take place from 6pm-6:30pm.
Wines of Portugal
Thu. April 12, 2007
Palace Hotel
2 Montgomery St.
San Francisco
800-871-9012 ext. 24552#
Trade 2pm-5:30pm
Public 5:30pm-8pm*
*Suggested donation $25

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