Wine, cheese, and thou. Wait, it's bread, wine, and thou. Well, thanks to the ~FERRY PLAZA WINE MERCHANT~, it's gonna be wine, cheese, and chocolate! (Pitter patter.) On Thursday October 5, you will be able to visit the Michael Recchiuti kitchen and learn about the art of pairing chocolate and vino from Peter Granoff, MS, and both Michael and Jacky Recchiuti. Suffice to say, it's not gonna be about Cabs, baby!
There will also be a cheese and wine pairing class taught on Thursday, October 12, at the Ferry Building with Peter Granoff, MS, and Peggy Smith, co-founder of Cowgirl Creamery. Mmmmmm, cheese.
Vino and Chocolate
Thursday, October 5th
Recchiuti Kitchen
2565 3rd St.
Suite 225
San Francisco
Vino and Cheese
Thursday, October 12th
Ferry Building
Port Commission Hearing Room
Second Floor
San Francisco
Info: 415-288-0470

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