Pic from Vinfolio.com
Vinfolio is launching their inaugural ~WINE TASTING EVENT: GLOBAL WINE DISCOVERIES~, featuring wines from around the globe selected by Cyrille Hanson, Vinfolio Wine Buyer. Cyrille will be on hand to explain the merits of the many hidden gems she has selected for the tasting, as well as her tried and true philosophy that one should "taste the description, not the score" of a wine. Click here to see the spiffy Old and New World selections that will be poured. Your ticket price includes assorted cheese and charcuterie selections.
Tablehopper readers get a 10% discount off the pre-registering price ($40). When purchasing the tickets through the site, put (tablehopper) after your name, so they can process the charge with the discount. Have you been to Coffee Bar yet? What a cool space, you’ll dig it!
You will have the option of automatically emailing your reservation form or printing and faxing it to 415-946-1359. Tasting notes will be provided at the event. You will be able to order all wines the day of the event and arrange for pickup or shipment at a later date. Questions may be directed to David Ruvalcaba at events [at] vinfolio [dot] com or 415-946-1300.
Vinfolio Wine Tasting Event
Thu., May 1, 2008
Coffee Bar
1890 Bryant St.
b/w 17th St. and Mariposa
San Francisco, CA 94110
$40 in advance*
*tablehopper readers get a 10% discount
$50 at the door
tickets [PDF]

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