On Friday June 9, 2006, the oft-experimental (and ever-delightful) ~TABLESPOON~ on Polk will host a winemaker dinner highlighting the Rielsings of Schloss Wallhausen from the Nahe region of Germany. The four-course dinner, crafted by chef Rob Riescher, will feature four pairings with the following dishes:
First course: Dungeness Crab Salad with English Pea Coulis
second course: Seared Scallops with Roast Corn
third course: Roast Organic Guinea Hen with Morels and Fava Beans
dessert: Stone Fruit Tart
Schloss Wallhausen Winemaker Dinner
Friday, June 9, 2006
2209 Polk St.
Cross: Vallejo St.
San Francisco, CA 94109
$64 per person
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