Mark your calendar for this one: CUESA’s (Center for Urban Education about Sustainable Agriculture) annual ~SUNDAY SUPPER~ is coming up, with forty chefs from leading Bay Area restaurants offering some of fall’s finest food. The event will take place inside the Ferry Building, and begins with hors d’oeuvres and a reception at 6pm, followed by a family-style dinner at 7pm. The Sunday Supper will showcase the best of local, seasonal ingredients from the farms and food artisans featured at the Ferry Plaza Farmers Market. Chefs will use these ingredients in preparing their dishes for the Sunday Supper.
The evening will also include live music and opportunities to meet the chefs and farmers. Tickets are $150 per person and may be purchased online. Proceeds benefit CUESA, the nonprofit organization that operates the Ferry Plaza Farmers Market and promotes a vibrant, regional, sustainable food system.
Participating chefs have been selected because of their commitment to sustainable agriculture. Among the chefs and restaurants represented at CUESA’s Sunday Supper this year are Nate Appleman of A16, Elizabeth Falkner of Citizen Cake, Bruce Hill of Picco, Craig Stoll of Delfina, Ken Frank of La Toque, John Ash of John Ash & Co., Judy Rodgers of Zuni Café, Annie Somerville of Greens, Daniel Patterson of Coi, Phil West of Range, and Michael Tusk of Quince.
Chairing this year’s Sunday Supper event are Charles Phan of the Slanted Door, Loretta Keller of COCO 500, Colleen McGlynn of Davero Olive Oil, Paul Arenstam of Americano, Max Duley of Peju Province Winery, and Nate Keller of Google/Café 150.
Sunday Supper
October 8, 2006
Ferry Building
San Francisco
Reception 6pm
Dinner 7pm
Tickets $150
Purchase online

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