Mmmmm, beer. There are all kinds of options coming up this month for some suds. First, the sixth annual ~STRONG BEER MONTH~ has kicked off! As the announcement states, “It celebrates age-old brewing traditions surrounding the higher gravity beers that emerge during the coldest and darkest winter months. From the barleywines of old England to the double IPAs and other extreme beers of today’s craft beer renaissance, brewers always seem to have a special strong beer or two up their sleeves, to celebrate holidays, warm up winter nights, or just to give their loyal patrons a treat now and again, a way of saying thanks for the support.”
“This joint celebration with Magnolia and the 21st Amendment features twelve such beers, six at each brewery. It’s as big a time as it gets in these parts. Both breweries pull out all the stops, slowing beer production down to a maddening crawl in order to give these beers the time and attention they require. The result: an amazing collection of styles, flavors, and ingredients, meant to be sipped, pondered, and enjoyed all month long.”
And here’s how this festive month works:
“Ask for a ticket when you order your first strong beer at either brewery. You’ll get your ticket punched once for each full-sized (13 oz.) strong beer purchased. When you have all 12 punches, you can redeem your card for a commemorative Strong Beer tasting glass. Tasting glasses and t-shirts are available for purchase, too. And don’t even think about trying all six beers in a sitting. Relax, we have you all month for that. Please take public transit or taxis and don’t drink and drive.”
Magnolia will feature a special three-course pairing menu every weekend (Friday and Saturday evenings 6pm–10pm)—each weekend the pairing menu will be designed around a different strong beer. There will also be a special strong beer Tapas Menu available everyday (six little bites, $2 each) with one designed to pair with the six strong beers. Cheeses too ($3 per cheese). Mmmmmm, beer. Oh wait, I said that. Homer wouldn’t mind.
Strong Beer Month
Feb. 1–29, 2008
Magnolia Pub & Brewery
1398 Haight St.
Cross: Masonic
San Francisco, CA 94117
21st Amendment
563 Second St.
Cross: Bryant St.
San Francisco, CA 94107

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