~SLOW FOOD ON FILM SAN FRANCISCO~, joined by Berkeley filmmakers Emiko Omori and Jed Riffe, present the documentary, "Ripe for Change." This fascinating film explores the intersection of food and politics in California over the last 30 years. It illuminates the complex forces struggling for control of the future of California's agriculture, and provides provocative commentary by a wide array of eloquent farmers, prominent chefs, and noted authors and scientists. We will begin to look for answers to questions like, what are the hidden costs of "inexpensive" food? And, how do we create sustainable agricultural practices?
Slow Food on Film
Sat., Jan. 13, 2007
California College of the Arts
San Francisco Campus
450 Irwin Street
San Francisco
6pm screening & panel
8:15pm wine reception
Tickets through Brown Paper Tickets
Slow Food SF site
$10 for Slow Food members
$15 non-members

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