Famed author and chef, and three-time James Beard award recipient Joyce Goldstein, along with Perbacco chef Staffan Terje, will prepare a night of ~PASSOVER-INSPIRED DISHES~ from her book, Cucina Ebraica: Flavors of the Italian Jewish Kitchen.
On this evening, Perbacco will serve a full kosher menu to honor the holiday, along with a selection of kosher wines selected by wine director, Mauro Cirilli, a regular contributor to The Wino. (Please note: items on Perbacco's regular menu will not be available on this night.)
Here's the evening's delicious menu:
(served family style, choose three for the table)
Fegato di Anatra alle Uova Sode – Chopped Duck Liver, Italian Style
Spuma di Tonno al Peperoni – Tuna Paté in Roasted Peppers
Sarde in Saor – Sardines Marinated with Onion, Raisins and Pinenuts
Baccala al Pomodoro – Salt Cod poached in Tomato Sauce
Melanzane in Insalata – Grilled Eggplant
Concia – Roasted Zucchini with Mint and Vinegar
Brodo con Polpette Uova per Pesach – Passover Soup with Chicken Dumplings and Eggs
Crema di Carciofi – Artichoke Soup
(choose one per person)
Spigola al Sugo di Carciofi – Seabass with a Sauce of Artichokes
Tonno Fresco con Piselli – Fresh Tuna with Spring Peas
Pollo Ezechiele – Ezekiel's Chicken with Tomatoes, Herbs and Black Olives
Rotolo di Vitello coi Colori – Veal Breast Stuffed with Peppers and an Omelet
Spalla di Montone con le Olive – Lamb Shoulder Braised with Olives
Carciofata di Trieste – Spring Vegetable Stew from Trieste (vegetarian)
Contorni for the Table
Purea di Patate e Olio – Olive Oil Potato Purée
Finocchio alla Giudia – Braised Fennel, Jewish Style
Stufato di Fave, Carciofi e Lattuga – Spring Stew of Fava Beans, Artichokes and Lettuce
(served family style)
Frutta Caramellata con Zabaglione – Caramelized Fresh Fruit with Zabaglione
Pan di Spagna alle Nocciole – Passover Hazelnut Sponge Cake
Scodelline – Almond Pudding
Passover at Perbacco
Tue., April 22, 2008
230 California St.
San Francisco, CA 94111
does not include tax, tip, or wine
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