Town Hall announces its ~FOURTH ANNUAL FAT TUESDAY PARTY~. Guests are encouraged to don masquerade masks for the New Orleans-style party. A percentage of proceeds from the evening will go to a fund for Town Hall’s own Hector Sahagun, a bartender who was in a tragic head-on taxicab collision on January 4, 2007 after leaving work.
The evening will be a raucous, roving feast, encouraging guests to roam about the restaurant to sample traditional New Orleans’ style foods prepared by Executive Chef/Owners Mitchell and Steven Rosenthal: a shellfish boil strewn over newspaper covered tables; a raw bar with oysters, crab and shrimp; a gumbo and jambalaya station; fried chicken; jalapeño corn bread; beer, wine and Pat O’Brien’s style Hurricanes, a cocktail synonymous with Mardi Gras. Beads and doubloons will festoon the restaurant, and the feet tapping sounds of a New Orleans Dixie band will play throughout the night.
Fat Tuesday is the day before Ash Wednesday, also called Mardi Gras or Shrove Tuesday. It is a day when people eat and drink in excess in preparation for Lent, the 40-day Christian tradition of penitence from Ash Wednesday to Easter.
Mardi Gras Party
Tue., February 20, 2007
Town Hall
342 Howard St.
Cross: Fremont St.
San Francisco, CA
5pm on
Reservations necessary

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