E. coli, GMOs, pesticides… every week, it seems, news arrives of the latest potential danger in our food supply. When the very thing that is meant to nourish us may also do us harm, how can consumers be conscious without becoming paranoid? A panel of food safety experts will discuss strategies for making our food safer and the powerful forces that are keeping the status quo in place. Learn about the latest advocacy efforts, proposed legislation, and legal actions that these groups are taking to ensure that our basic human needs are met without compromising our health. Find out how your food choices can make a difference.
Panelists include C. Noelle Ferdon, Senior Organizer, Food and Water Watch; Kevin Zelig Golden, Staff Attorney, Center for Food Safety; and Elisa Odabashian, Director of the West Coast Office, Consumers Union. This panel discussion about food safety solutions is hosted by the Center for Urban Education about Sustainable Agriculture (CUESA).
Is it Safe to Eat?
Mon., Jan. 7, 2008
Ferry Building
Port Commission Hearing Room
Cross: Market St.
San Francisco, CA
6:30pm reception
7pm discussion

Table of Contents

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