Courtney Cochran of Hip Tastes has finished her soon-to-be-released book, Hip Tastes: The Fresh Guide to Wine, (it comes out in October), and now her local tasting parties are back. Here’s more on one this Friday’s event, the ~ALL-WHITE TASTING~:
With Labor Day just around the corner there's no better time for an all-white tasting—including all-white eats and all-white decor, natch. Come out on and sip whites in the brand spanking new all-white lounge at Fluid in SoMa. Call it a final shout-out to summer, if you want. We call it an excuse to sample lots of ridiculously good white wines—from summer-appropriate Sauvignon Blanc to super-luscious Viognier, and everything in between.
Hip Tasters wearing all white get a free gift at the door, and we'll be playing great music for our fabulous crowd, as usual.
Hip Tastes: All-White Tasting
Fri., Aug. 24, 2007
Fluid Ultra Lounge
662 Mission St.
San Francisco, CA 94105
$30 online
$35 door
order tickets

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