Some of you may recall the recent piece ~KARLETTA MONIZ~ wrote on pairing chocolate and booze for “the wino” section of the ’hopper. Karletta packs some serious skills in the chocolate department, helping chocolate lovers cut through the ins and outs of cacao percentages and single origin estates. She is leading a class this Friday at the Cheese School of San Francisco that is designed to reconnect people with all of the wonderful, sensory qualities that make indulgence in chocolate a totally satisfying experience. Learn how dark is too dark, what it means when a chocolate bar reads ‘single estate’ versus ‘single variety,' and how certain chocolate, dessert wine, and cheese pairings can be a taste of heaven on earth.
For the Love of Chocolate
Fri., June 1, 2007
Cheese School of SF
1555 Pacific Ave.
Cross: Polk St.
2nd Floor
San Francisco, CA 94109
$60 per person

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