~FOOD FROM THE HEART~ at the Ferry Building Marketplace kicks off on Friday, February 9th with a benefit for Slow Food. Serenade your senses with a stroll down the Nave and take in local flavors, wines, tango and music. The public is invited to stroll the candlelit Nave where the merchants and restaurateurs of the Marketplace will offer seasonal hors d'oeuvres and Slow Food will pour wine from several wine bars. Food and wine tickets will be sold in $2 denominations: $2 and $4 for food tastes and $6 and $8 for glasses of wine. Proceeds from wine bar and hors d'oeuvres purchases benefit Slow Food San Francisco.
Saturday the Marketplace and the Ferry Plaza Farmers Market will be brimming with heartfelt foods. On Saturday at 10am, Chef Russell Jackson, the “Dissident Chef” of Sub Culture Dining, will offer a cooking demonstration on how to prepare seasonal, romantic meals. Sunday the celebration continues from 11am-4pm with merchant gift ideas, farm fresh flowers and epicurean offerings. Valentine face painting and craft tables will be available for kids.
SLOW FOOD is a nonprofit international, eco-gastronomic organization that supports a biodiverse, sustainable food supply, local producers, heritage foodways, and rediscovery of the pleasures of the table.

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