Carlo Petrini, Founder and International President of ~SLOW FOOD~ visits the Bay Area, launching a year-long campaign that will culminate in Slow Food Nation, a large public event to be held at Fort Mason Center in May 2008. Mr. Petrini’s new book, Slow Food Nation, Why Our Food Should be Good, Clean and Fair provides the philosophical underpinnings of Slow Food Nation, the event.
Book Signing, Talk, Food and Wine Reception
Thu., May 10, 2007, 6pm, Cowell Theater, Fort Mason
The event begins at 6pm with a book signing by Carlo Petrini of his new book. At 6:30pm, Mr. Petrini will give a talk after being introduced by Don Novello, AKA Father Guido Sarducci, local comedian and former writer/actor for Saturday Night Live. The talk is followed by a reception with food by Chef Alessandro Cartumini, Four Seasons Silicon Valley, and organic wine by Frey Vineyards.
Tickets are: $16 general public; $6 members of Instituto Italiano di Cultura, Slow Food USA, and Museo Italoamericano, all of whom are sponsoring the event. For tickets, click here or call 415-345-7575.
Book Signing and Talk [UPDATE: CANCELLED]
Sat., May 12, San Francisco, 9am–10:30am, Ferry Plaza Farmers’ Market, Rear Plaza
Carlo Petrini will sign copies of his new book and give a short talk at the Ferry Plaza Farmers’ Market. This event is free of charge and open to the public.
There is also a lunch and talk in Sonoma on May 12—for more information, click here.
Carlo Petrini of Slow Food Visit
May 10–12, 2007
various locations

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