I received the notice about this benefit from a friend in the industry—he tells me ~LANCE BELL~ was previously living and working in New Orleans as a bartender for a Kimpton property when Hurricane Katrina devastated his home and work. My friend was managing at Scala's Bistro, and offered Lance a job and to move him to SF through a Kimpton employee transfer program. Lance loved the City and his coworkers so much that he decided to stay and make SF his new home. And now, sadly, tragedy strikes again.
Benefit Party for Lance Bell "Bring Chocolate Love Back"
On Monday, January 1st, Lance Bell, a truly generous and caring person, was taken to General Hospital after being found unconscious. He had received several blows to the head. Lance remains in the hospital still unable to speak and faces a long road to complete rehabilitation. Please come help us raise money to aid and support Lance and his family during this difficult and stressful time.
All those who attend will receive a raffle ticket to win fabulous prizes. There will also be both a silent auction and "bid for a date with a bachelor" (please no credit cards). DJ Roy Oblivion will keep the festivities hopping until 2am. We invite all those who know Lance and those who haven't yet had the chance to meet him to come out for a night of fun and excitement.
Raffle and Silent Auction donations from Kimpton Hotels and Restaurants, Roy's, Tortilla Heights, Vino Venue, Cheese Steak Shop, Ceja Wines, Frascati, Southern Wine and Spirits, Pacific Wine and Spirits.
Catered dinner by Chef Michel Koenig Grgich Hills, Cafe Du Nord, Swiss Garage.
For questions or donations, email: aidlance [at] yahoo [dot] com
Benefit for Lance Bell
Wed., January 17, 2007
3251 Scott St.
Cross: Chestnut St.
San Francisco, CA 94123
$10 door donation

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