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The Regular

Established Restaurant Reviews (it's about time we met...) 2006–2022
499 posts
The Regular


Right about now there is going to be a sushi chef mad at me for writing this place up because it's one of his favorite little secret spots. (I guess I won't be able to order omakase from him anymore.) But I consider it my tablehoppin&…
Marcia Gagliardi
Marcia Gagliardi
The Regular


It seemed a while ago everyone was trumpeting the new trend of Peruvian food, with places like Destino, then Limon and Mochica dotting various neighborhoods around the city, along with places like Mi Lindo Peru and Karamanduka, two Peruvian outposts I have yet to visit. Perhaps wave two has started,…
Marcia Gagliardi
Marcia Gagliardi
South Park Café
The Regular

South Park Café

There are some restaurants where you just can't help but order the same thing, again and again. To wit: how can I possibly visit A16, and not order the burrata, the tripe, and the gnocchi? It would be scandalous not to. I'm normally an adventurous diner,…
Marcia Gagliardi
Marcia Gagliardi
The Regular


God is in the details. (I also think he's hiding out in sublime peppery olive oil, Hog Island Kumamotos, Old World reds, the ankimo at Sebo, hot coppa, and the black magic cake my mother makes me for my birthday.) Anyway, before I get too lost playing the…
Marcia Gagliardi
Marcia Gagliardi
The Regular


The City is full of hidden and tucked-away restaurants. One of my favorite late-night haunts is the subterranean Ryoko's; there's Bix, down its lonesome jazzy alley, and don't forget Chez Spencer, an industrial cool Frenchie oasis on a gritty stretch of 14th Street. And…
Marcia Gagliardi
Marcia Gagliardi
Nua Restaurant and Wine Bar
The Regular

Nua Restaurant and Wine Bar

*THIS RESTAURANT HAS CLOSED* What was once a popular local hangout for inexpensive home-style food and strong drinks, Dante Benedetti's New Pisa, has now morphed into the city-chic NUA RESTAURANT AND WINE BAR. I know, before you start groaning about yet another wine bar opening up, I actually…
Marcia Gagliardi
Marcia Gagliardi
The Regular


*THIS RESTAURANT HAS CLOSED* I enjoy seeing how people gravitate to restaurants run by nice people (like Nopa!). But a winning smile doesn't quell a rumbling belly: like Nopa, they have to be serving some tasty vittles too. And when those tasty vittles fall square into the cheap…
Marcia Gagliardi
Marcia Gagliardi
Mission Beach Cafe
The Regular

Mission Beach Cafe

Oooooh, I think I have found the perfect place where you can meet up for a "getting to know you" first date/blind date (everyone's favorite occasion--not!) or perhaps a coquettish pie date (my friend told me her first date with a fella was for pie,…
Marcia Gagliardi
Marcia Gagliardi
Larkin Express
The Regular

Larkin Express

Here's probably the shortest write-up you'll ever see on tablehopper. I was out for lunch with a chef pal (we were hunting down some eats at a couple ethnic joints) and he brought me to this total hole in the wall. What appears to be just…
Marcia Gagliardi
Marcia Gagliardi
Salt House
The Regular

Salt House

Is it fair to write a review when you have a head cold? This one might not be the sassiest. At least I'm not eating at the restaurant with a head cold, but even so, I have a feeling the punchy flavors of the food at SALT HOUSE…
Marcia Gagliardi
Marcia Gagliardi
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