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The Regular

Established Restaurant Reviews (it's about time we met...) 2006–2022
499 posts
La Ciccia
The Regular

La Ciccia

Man, did I lag on going to LA CICCIA. Sometimes I kick myself for not going to places sooner, especially when your friends are telling you it's good. Damned good, in fact. I even had a gift certificate, a thoughtful present from a friend, gathering dust on my…
Marcia Gagliardi
Marcia Gagliardi
South Food + Wine Bar
The Regular

South Food + Wine Bar

In a city full of Cali-influenced cuisine, it's nice to know that fresh, bright-tasting food can actually be from somewhere else too. And no, I'm not talking Vietnamese, or Thai, or Japanese. I'm talking antipodean, mate. After traveling in Australia in early 2007, I…
Marcia Gagliardi
Marcia Gagliardi
Monk's Kettle
The Regular

Monk's Kettle

Suds are HOT. People are embracing beer right now like it's vodka circa 2001. But no, we're in 2008, and the West Coast has caught Belgian fever, or at least a gastropub gastrointestinal bug. Beer and bites joints are popping up all over the place, but…
Marcia Gagliardi
Marcia Gagliardi
O Izakaya Lounge
The Regular

O Izakaya Lounge

I am thrilled that izakaya is becoming a household word. Well, it's not quite "mac 'n' cheese" or "taqueria" yet, but based on all the recent openings in the City, it's well on its way. O IZAKAYA LOUNGE opened in…
Marcia Gagliardi
Marcia Gagliardi
CAV Wine Bar & Kitchen
The Regular

CAV Wine Bar & Kitchen

Back in September 2005, CAV opened right before the onslaught of wine bar madness, a wave that continues to forge ahead full-tilt in SF like Ebola. People twittered about how it would all work out, with the beloved Hotel Biron wine bar literally just around the corner on Rose. One…
Marcia Gagliardi
Marcia Gagliardi
Thick & Thin Pizza
The Regular

Thick & Thin Pizza

Anyone who knows me knows I am crazee nutz about pizza. This is what happens when your family owns a pizzeria when you're a kid. Heck, it was seriously in the family genes--even my dad's brother had a pizzeria (anyone in the East Bay remember Frankie…
Marcia Gagliardi
Marcia Gagliardi
The New Spot
The Regular

The New Spot

Since I managed to get some folks to visit Dogpatch for the tablehopper supper at Piccino, what the heck, let's give y'all another great reason to come to the 'hood: the best darned pupusas in the City. Buckle up, because the pupusas at THE NEW…
Marcia Gagliardi
Marcia Gagliardi
Hard Knox Café
The Regular

Hard Knox Café

Since this week is like my Dogpatch roundup, I want to mention one more spot that cracks me up: HARD KNOX CAFE. The irony is this little soul food joint is run by a Vietnamese family who lived in Texas; they've been running this cozy and down-home place…
Marcia Gagliardi
Marcia Gagliardi
Yoshi's San Francisco
The Regular

Yoshi's San Francisco

The other day I was recommending that a friend try YOSHI'S SAN FRANCISCO for the high-roller/special dinner location he was seeking. He was incredulous, "Yoshi's? Really?" That worried me, because if people don't know about how fabulously creative, fresh, and upscale…
Marcia Gagliardi
Marcia Gagliardi
The Regular


*THIS RESTAURANT HAS CLOSED* BARAKA has been a Potrero Hill (and citywide) favorite for a number of years--it's where both Ola Fendert's and David Bazirgan's dishes enchanted me years back, giving me my first taste of Argan oil, and I will never forget the…
Marcia Gagliardi
Marcia Gagliardi
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