In case you missed the incredible news, THE STUD has been saved from closing by a co-op of drag queens, DJs, performers, LGBT business leaders, and more, who have secured funding to purchase the bar. (I mean, come on, who else would put on a cape and save The Stud?)
Bar owner Michael McElhaney will be selling the Stud (after 25 years!) to The Stud Collective, a group of 15 members. Here’s more: “While most members of The Stud Collective are known for their work in nightlife and the performing arts, secondary business skills were a requirement to join the co-op. Members include leaders in bar and restaurant management, public relations, accounting, historic preservation, arts funding, and land development.” Here’s hoping the new building owner will give the co-op a market-value lease so they can keep the lights on at this historic, precious, and essential LGBT nightlife space for another 50 years. Read more about the co-op, its members, and more in this Facebook press release/post and article in the Bay Area Reporter. Be sure to join the Save Our Stud Facebook group to keep up with all the latest. Now head on down there and buy a round of drinks! 399 9th St. at Harrison.
In other news, a tablehopper reader let us know the EL AMIGO bar (3355 Mission St.) in Bernal has closed, in addition to the sister restaurant, Chicano Nuevo, in the original Emmy’s Spaghetti Shack location (18 Virginia Ave.). It looks like the owner of the building has sold it, so we’ll have to wait and see what’s going into these spaces next.
There are some changes to report at the old-school FLY BAR locations around the city. Both locations have been sold to separate parties, and the new owners of the Divisadero location have decided to keep the name and original staff, although they will be closing for an upgrade at the end of August. The kitchen will be getting an overhaul and some other enhancements and should reopen after a few days. 762 Divisadero St. at Fulton, 415-931-4359.
As for the Fly Bar on Sutter, it was sold a couple of weeks ago, and the new operators, Mark and Terry Miller, should be taking it over and closing it in three months or so (probably the beginning of November). They will close the space for a couple of months for construction (I hear they will be removing the horseshoe bar) and will reopen as MILLER’S, keeping it a neighborhood bar and restaurant. I’ll keep you posted as I hear more on this. For now, you can still swing by and hang out with the Fly staff for some final-finals! 1085 Sutter St. at Larkin, 415-441-4232.