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Jan 21, 2014 1 min read

Quick Shots: Great China Now Serving Beer and Wine, Update on Jasper's (Kevin Diedrich Leaving)

Quick Shots: Great China Now Serving Beer and Wine, Update on Jasper's (Kevin Diedrich Leaving)
The bar at the new Great China, where you can now drink wine. And beer. Yay. Photo via Great China’s Facebook page.
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Well hallelujah, GREAT CHINA is now serving beer and wine! Which means you can now enjoy some of owner James Yu’s awesome wine collection, cheers to that. 2190 Bancroft Way at Fulton, Berkeley, 510-843-7996.

To follow up on my earlier piece about rumored upcoming changes at ~JASPER’S CORNER TAP~, I have received official word that Kimpton is no longer the management company for the location as of January 30th, and a new ownership company, Access Hotels & Resorts, is taking over. Jasper’s will stay open, and current Kimpton employees have the opportunity to stay and interview with the new management company.

One employee who won’t be staying is bar manager Kevin Diedrich, whose last bar shift will be Friday January 24th. He said, “It was a matter of time. I built this place and concepted it, but didn’t plan on being there forever.” He is leaving Kimpton on good terms, and for now is going to take a break, relax, regroup, and pick up a few shifts around town—he’s excited to get back to just bartending and not managing for a bit. Be sure to swing by and say thanks to Kevin for all the great drinks for the past two-plus years at the party they’re throwing on Friday evening. I’ll keep you updated on what’s next for this talented barman.

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