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Oct 30, 2012 1 min read

Et Al. Soft Opening This Friday

Et Al. Soft Opening This Friday
The interior and seating. Photo: Dana Massey-Todd. ©
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After dealing with some ever-frustrating delays, Ceri Smith’s ET AL. should be softly opening this Friday, but will only be pouring wine. Once Amaryll Schwertner and Lori Regis (of Boulette’s Larder, who are handing the food for et al.) return from New York, the food program will kick in, probably next week. You can read all the details about this fab space in a previous report on tablehopper. Initial soft opening hours will be 5pm-12am, eventually ramping up to 7am-12am. 2255 Polk St. at Green, 415-655-3155.

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