If you’re going to get schooled, it may as well be something fun like booze school. Over at ~BERETTA~, their hands-on cocktail classes have returned, with bar manager Cali Gold running the show. The three-part series is featuring the history of the American cocktail: Tuesday June 27th (tonight!) is The Shepard Act (Pre-Prohibition); Tuesday July 25th is Suffragettes and the 19th Amendment (Prohibition—The Great, Failed Experiment); and Tuesday August 29th is The 21st Amendment (The Aftermath). I highly recommend reading the class synopsis of each, they all sound fascinating! There will be discussion, some hands-on cocktail-making (and drinking, natch), and bites, plus prizes and more. 7pm. Tickets: $85 (inclusive of tax and tip).
Our friends over at STOOKEY’S CLUB MODERNE are in the home stretch (just five days left!) of their Neon Sign Kickstarter to create an authentic Art Deco/Streamline Moderne neon sign for the outside of the bar, and they’re really close! No pledge is too small, and every donation gets a reward. The only thing missing from their bar’s swanky vibe is a glowing “cocktails” sign, which will be more apropos than the current sign, let’s make it happen for them!