Suds are taking this town by storm, and SF BEER WEEK is just around the corner to help you celebrate. Beer Week itself runs from Friday February 7th-Sunday February 16th, and there are all kinds of events all over the Bay Area.
Options include special events like the whiskey train, which involves riding a streetcar while trying barrel-aged brews and whiskey; beer dinners including one with Homestead and Trappist in Oakland; and tastings at spots like Blackbird.The full lineup of events can be found here, along with details on tickets and reservations. And if you can’t make it to any events, be sure to swing by Dynamo Donut for beer donuts from Almanac. Uh-huh.
Looking to get yourself primed and ready before February? Head to a special beer and cheese pairing from Janet Fletcher on Saturday January 25th from 2pm-4pm. Fletcher, local author of the recently released Cheese & Beer, will lead attendees in a tasting and pairing of (what else?) beer and cheese. The book will be available for purchase and signing. Tickets are $50 per person and can be purchased by email or calling 415-333-5557. Purcell Murray Culinary Showroom and Amphitheatre, 185 Park Ln. at Valley, Brisbane. 415-333-5557.

Event Info
Saturday Jan 25, 2014
Purcell Murray Culinary Showroom and Amphitheatre
185 Park Ln. at Valley, Brisbane.