The Dear Mom, crew (and possibly Paul Bavaro of Thieves Tavern/Dirty Thieves) are on a tear: according to Uptown Almanac, they have taken over MISSION HILL SALOON—stand by for info on the name and reopening date after the remodel. 491 Potrero Ave. at Mariposa.
Haighteration brings word of some ownership issues behind the sudden (temporary?) closure of MARTIN MACK’S in the Upper Haight. Drama. 1568 Haight St. at Ashbury, 415-861-2236.
And now in the drama-free department, Jeff Hollinger of The Absinthe Group (and current owner of Comstock Saloon) is working with the ~ABSINTHE BRASSERIE & BAR~ team to tighten up the cocktail menu (and add a few new ones to the lengthy list, like Green Door and Wil P. Taylor’s Hotel Nacional Special).