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Dec 5, 2016 1 min read

This week's tablehopper: trip the light fantastic.

This week's tablehopper: trip the light fantastic.
The poor old Li Po Cocktail Lounge sign, it so deserves to have all its neon restored! Photo: ©
Table of Contents

Howdy. I know we have a lot on our minds right now, and heavy hearts. Our Bay Area community suffered a horrific loss this past weekend. And with each piece of news released about the Oakland fire, our hearts break even more. Sincere condolences and deep sympathies to all—this tragedy is felt by all. I hope today’s column can offer some distractions for you from all the bleak news right now.

One way to get into the holiday spirit is by adopting an ECS student in the CHEFS culinary training program. Every year they host an “Adopt-a-Student” Holiday Drive, when you can buy a much-needed gift for students, such as shoes and clothes. The deadline is December 20th to have any gifts dropped off. Please contact Mallory Burke via email or call 415-487-3300 x1245 to be assigned an individual. And read this inspiring piece to see how much good this amazing program can do to get people back on their feet.

I took an interesting tour of neon signs in Chinatown and Union Square with my sister this past weekend. It was such a cool way to explore the city—check out their upcoming tours in 2017. The duo behind the tours also have a great book and Instagram feed. After the tour, sis and I stopped in at Wayfare Tavern for a burger—the space looked beautiful, all tricked out in garland and holiday lights. Feeling the vibes…

Take good care, make some time for holiday cheer and seeing good friends. Come have jook with me on Sunday at Jook Joint! I’m hosting a wonderful (and affordable!) brunch. Or then there’s our Vietnamese dinner feast next Friday. I’d love to see you and feed you! Get tickets to all events here!

XO Marcia Gagliardi

The poor old Li Po Cocktail Lounge sign, it so deserves to have all its neon restored! Photo: © tablehopper Newsletter from Tuesday, Dec  6 2016

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