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Dec 7, 2009 1 min read

This week's tablehopper: hey fruitcake.

This week's tablehopper: hey fruitcake.
Table of Contents

Yo yo yo (or should that be ho ho ho?). Thanks to everyone for the nice notes about the new tablehopper newsletter format and website—so glad you dig it. Things will continue to be tweaked and fine-tuned and super-charged in coming weeks, but I’m pleased you liked the first look! And to clarify for some of you who were confused: the “new house” was a metaphor for my new site—I’m not leaving my beloved and rent-controlled apartment in this economy, are you kidding me? Hells no. Just look at that view.

And many grazie to all of you for the thoughtful messages and well wishes for my recovery—my surgery went really well last Monday (and no, I wasn’t having my stomach stapled, although I do have a less-than-charming incision currently healing up, ow). I’m now nestled back in my apartment in SF after being at my parents’ home for most of last week, and am slowly getting back to my regular life. Let me tell you, the three-meals-a-day-cooked-by-mom meal plan was mighty fine indeed. Plus visits with the cats. And a daily cappuccino from my dad the barista. My parents rock. Now my poor sister is my heavy package and grocery delivery slave until I can carry things over 10 pounds.

Today I have a petite hopper for you. Frankly, I am still pretty darned tired and sore, and staying up until my usual 3am writing this thing is just not happening. But I did want to get some restaurant news and events on your radar, a roundup of holiday gift ideas to you, and there’s a holiday-oriented bookworm for you, too.

Keep cozy out there (I’m in bed so I am definitely toasty), and I’ll catch you next week.

Marcia Gagliardi

View tablehopper Newsletter from Tuesday, Dec  8 2009

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