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Nov 1, 2010 1 min read

This week's tablehopper: the best of times, the worst of times.

This week's tablehopper: the best of times, the worst of times.
My birthday cheesecake from Zanze’s.
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Wow, I can’t even think of the last time the city has exploded like it did last night. The Giants did our city proud, but whoa, some of our citizens did not. The vandalism, assaults, and hello, burning mattresses, were downright embarrassing. A fired-up street party, cool—but aggressive mob mentality? Nope. Here’s hoping we can redeem some bad behavior by all going out to VOTE today.

The past few days have been full of some ups and downs… Let’s start with the fun stuff, like my favorite thing to read on Twitter over the weekend: #Foodbooksinmypants. This weather totally and completely rocks. I had a wonderful birthday dinner with my family last night (my dad made his supremely delicate homemade fettuccine, pure magic with my mom’s amazing tomato sauce—and we all enjoyed the soufflé-like Zanze’s cheesecake I picked up). And I was also really happy with the news that the ever-jovial and friendly chef Hoss Zaré is home recuperating and doing well after suffering a heart attack last week. As your Facebook page attests, the city loves ya, Hoss! Take good care, rest, and heal up.

We are all so very precious.

Marcia Gagliardi

This issue is dedicated to the memory of the lovely, kind, generous, and cultured Kate Horan. She was so thoughtful, full of joie de vivre, a fellow lover of all things Italian, and a delight to know and work with. My heart goes out to her family and friends struggling with this horrific and shocking loss. The world is a darker place with her absence in it.

My birthday cheesecake from Zanze’s.View tablehopper Newsletter from Tuesday, Nov  2 2010

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