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Apr 19, 2010 1 min read

This week's tablehopper: taco tuesday.

This week's tablehopper: taco tuesday.
Salmon and ikura wappa meshi at Maki.
Table of Contents

Hey, dude. Happy 4/20. As if San Francisco doesn’t already smell like one big doobie, I can only imagine what 4:20pm is going to smell like today. In honor of San Francisco’s favorite stoner chow, I have not one or two but three mini reviews of three very different Mexican establishments in the city. Buen provecho.

Speaking of good appetite, last week’s Hop Dog Happy Hour with CUESA was a blast—many thanks to everyone who cooked, made drinks, and came out to eat and drink. A very special thanks to the CUESA team for organizing it! The faboo Bunrabs posted a detailed photo essay on all the marvy concoctions.

This Thursday April 22nd, I’m going to be at The Tyler Florence Shop in Mill Valley for a reading and book signing, and Tyler is going to be there with me! Yup, there’s going to be some banter. The talented Jackie Patterson is going to be making a refreshing cocktail, the Spring Cup, featuring Hangar One vodka from St. George Spirits. The event starts at 6pm, see you there?

And a little reminder on the boozy tip that next Thursday April 29th is the two-martini lunch with the tablehopper at Bix, an event in conjunction with Bay Gourmet/the Commonwealth Club. Cocktails and passed apps (hello caviar pillows) kick off at noon, and Jordan Mackay will be there to ask me good questions. You can get your tickets here. (Future book events and dates are all listed here.)

Happy 40th Earth Day this Thursday.

Marcia Gagliardi

Salmon and ikura wappa meshi at Maki.View tablehopper Newsletter from Tuesday, Apr 20 2010

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