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Jul 15, 2010 2 min read

This week's tablehopper: some like it hot.

This week's tablehopper: some like it hot.
Pulling shots at Equator.
Table of Contents

Hello from ‘hopper HQ. Guess who was out a little late last night? Yes, yours truly had a dear friend in town, so we had to tear it up a little. And speaking of tearing it up, this week’s review of Z & Y Restaurant is not messing around, so proceed with caution. Seriously, flip those hazards on.

Since I’m in need of a little extra caffeination today, I thought I’d share a pic from the espresso training and info class I attended at Equator up in San Rafael this week. It was amazing to pull a shot on their beautiful La Marzocco machine, and look at that crema! I so wish my home machine could do that kind of magic. (This was the Ethiopian Amaro Gayo—what fruit! Total blueberry. And a bonus point: it comes from Ethiopia’s only female miller/exporter.)

Okay, beloved readers—it’s favor time. No, I’m not asking for money. Or for the last bite of your fried chicken sandwich (never!). But I am asking for a little bit of your time. See, I’m taking a look at some big-picture stuff for tablehopper, and I could use your input. I am working with two very smart and strategic planners on assessing my brand and business, and they have some questions for you. The tablehopper questionnaire should take about 15 minutes, which I know is a lot during these busy, busy days of ours. But your answers and input would be so freaking helpful—so can ya help a ‘hopper out? I’d be so very grateful. Maybe you can consider it a little coffee break with yours truly. (Sorry the conversation will be so one-sided.)

The link to the questionnaire is here. We’ll be collecting answers until Friday July 30th. And again, thanks for taking the time to help make tablehopper better, faster, and stronger—but hopefully not fatter. Meow.

Ready for the weekend? Uh huh! It’s full of all kinds of meaty potential, from the High on the Hog event at EPIC this Saturday, to the Lamb Jam on Sunday at Fort Mason (am looking forward to it).

Have a swell weekend!

Marcia Gagliardi

Pulling shots at Equator.View tablehopper Newsletter from Friday, Jul 16 2010

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