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Jul 4, 2011 1 min read

This week's tablehopper: short week, long column.

This week's tablehopper: short week, long column.
The pissaladière on the new menu at Thermidor.
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Did you enjoy your three-day weekend? I’m sure the answer is hell yes. I had to pack three days of fun into two since I had my gosh-darned deadline yesterday (the calendar waits for no one), and I have the sunburned shoulders and leftover honey-apricot pie from Three Babes Bakeshop to prove it.

My weekend had a kick-ass kick-off on Friday evening, with cocktails and appetizers at Thermidor (the bar has a great alfresco vibe on warm evenings), and then I pedaled over to the Kabuki to see Midnight in Paris. I don’t think I could have enjoyed that movie any more than I already did—and thanks to the adult seating at the Sundance Kabuki, I had a glass of rosé bubbly next to me, so civilized. Throw in a friend’s birthday barbecue on Saturday and a boozy picnic in Dolores Park on Sunday, and I was stoked with my weekend, to say the least.

Oh, and another highlight of the weekend was seeing my byline in the LA Times Magazine! I contributed to this article on where to eat in San Francisco now, I hope you enjoy it. I am also going to be on an episode of Eat Street on the Cooking Channel this evening at 5pm PST—this episode features the Hapa SF truck from William Pilz. I hope I don’t have food in my teeth.

This weekend is going to include another outdoor picnic and party, when I’ll be at PUBLIC’s one-year anniversary party in South Park on Saturday afternoon—see you there?

Enjoy your short week!

Marcia Gagliardi

The pissaladière on the new menu at Thermidor.View tablehopper Newsletter from Tuesday, Jul  5 2011

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