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Aug 6, 2012 1 min read

This week's tablehopper: my girl wants to party all the time.

This week's tablehopper: my girl wants to party all the time.
The grilled pork bao at Brasserie S&P. Photo: ©
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Hello there. So did you survive SF Chefs this past weekend? I only got to visit the Friday night tasting tent (and the after-party at E+O) since I left early on Saturday for my cousin’s wedding in Tahoe. Based on all the tweets and Facebook posts, it looks like y’all did a fine job. Kudos to everyone who participated in this year’s event.

And now coming up this weekend we have the three-day (and sold-out!) Outside Lands music and food and wine extravaganza. I am particularly excited to check out Outside Lambs (no joke!). Oh yes, and Stevie Wonder on Sunday is going to be epic.

And then the weekend after that (Friday August 17th-Sunday August 19th) we have the SF Street Food Festival very rapidly approaching! You can hear me talk about it (and the new Night Market!) today on You Gotta Eat This on KGO Radio.

Did you see this awesome New York Times piece on restaurant lingo and codes? It’s like trucker-speak, but for restaurants. Reminded me of these two short-order cooks I met on a road trip 20 years ago in Atlanta. They had me and my friend in stitches all night with their renditions of how they talked at work: “Fire up that QOD! [quiche of the day].” And then the call and response of “How’s it workin’?” “Workin’ haaaard!” or the less desirable “Hardly workin’!” To this day, I still crack up over those two guys and their kitchen talk, total characters.

Okay, well, today I am workin’ haaaaaard, so let’s hop to it.

Marcia Gagliardi

And since I was greeted as “Marsha!” a couple times on Friday night, I’m going to repeat: Marcia rhymes with Garcia.

The grilled pork bao at Brasserie S&P. Photo: © tablehopper Newsletter from Tuesday, Aug  7 2012

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