Hey there. I am happy to be home, a bit tired, but it was certainly a blast exploring Washington state last week—Walla Walla is très cute, can’t wait to write it up for y’all! And the weather was as spectacular as many of the wines I tried. We even took a horseback ride in the middle of vineyards and fruit orchards, going from winery to winery—yes, by horse. One word: dreamy (and a little nerve-wracking, well, until I understood the quirky ways of Daisy, my Appaloosa). Get ready to plan your next trip.
But now, I’m back in the City, and going full-tilt. On Wednesday evening is the Macy’s Cellar City Bites event I’m hosting with local talents Ryan Farr, chef de cuisine/mad pork genius of Orson, and Daniel Hyatt, the bar manager at Alembic who has a knack for getting his customers tipsy on only the good stuff. I named the event “The Pursuit of Flavor”—which in this case means a night of pork, hamachi kama, and bourbon. We look forward to seeing you there!
And then this Saturday October 4th, I’ll be emceeing the Now We’re Cooking hour on the opening weekend for Litquake. Guests reading from books about food and drink will be Elizabeth Falkner, Bryant Terry, Beau Timken, Tara Duggan, Julia Flynn Siler, Brian Yaeger, and Eric Gower. And it’s free! The reading is from 3pm–4pm at the San Francisco Public Library’s Koret Auditorium, Main Branch, 100 Larkin St. at Grove. A reader pointed out that it's happening at the same time as LoveFest—ravers and readers unite, woot woot.
Congrats to the fabulous Monica, who won tickets to Sunday Supper! A LOT of you entered the giveaway, which I’d say means a number of you really really want to go. If you’re thinking about it, please buy tickets and go, because a full 9% of CUESA’s modest operating revenue comes from the Sunday Supper sales. What is CUESA? They’re the essential nonprofit that operates the Ferry Plaza Farmers Market, and all the free culinary programs, produce tastings, producer interviews, farm tours, and more that they put on. Times are tight for everyone, and ticket sales this year are down. Here’s more on this incredible event, which helps raise money for this important organization. Even the $60 reception is quite the culinary tour de force—think about it!
Okay, I have stepped off my apple box. Now it’s time for another giveaway! Actually, two! It’s a giveaway-fest, literally. I have two tickets to WhiskyFest (read all about it in today’s socialite), and a pair of tickets to next weekend’s FallFest!
You know the drill: to enter to win, just forward this week’s tablehopper newsletter to two friends (or more, you star!), telling them why they would dig a subscription to tablehopper.com, and CC or BCC luckyme [at] tablehopper [dot] com so I know you sent it (I promise not to use anyone’s email address!). Deadline to enter is midnight on Friday October 3rd. I’ll let you know this weekend if you are the proud owner of some tickets—the first winner gets their pick from the two events.
I’m off to unpack this suitcase… And yes, I brought some apples home in my bag.
~ Marcia

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