Some Monday nights I really wish I was out playing—the tablehopper would have had a trifecta of parties to hit, but alas, I had to flip on my hazards and stay home this gorgeous Monday night writin’ this beast. We can all rubberneck since Tracie Broom has a piece on the Moss Room media preview, and the Bunrabs hit A Food Affaire. As soon as my column is out, I’m packing my bag and am off to wine country in Washington state for the next six days, checking out a variety of places. Expect a jetsetter recap soon! I also had too much going on this week, way too much, so no review. No worries, there are still around 6,200 words for you to read.
Thanks to everyone who entered last week’s “back to school drawing” for the NFL Gameday Cookbook! And those of you who entered to win a spot to the chocolate event I was hosting last week, I loooooved reading all your favorite desserts! They were so right on that I had to repost them below in the chatterbox so everyone can get inspired on some new sweet treats to hunt down.
This week I have two hot tickets to give away to the upcoming Sunday Supper dinner by CUESA—read all the deets in this week’s socialite. The line-up of chefs is pretty special—the party will be a full-tilt feast o’ delish. To enter to win, just forward this week’s tablehopper newsletter to two friends, telling them why they would dig a subscription to, and CC or BCC luckyme [at] tablehopper [dot] com so I know you sent it (I promise not to use anyone’s email address). Deadline to enter is midnight on Sunday September 29th. I’ll let you know next week if you are the proud owner of two tickets. Let’s eat!
I’m off to the land of apples.
~ Marcia
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