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Oct 29, 2007 1 min read

October 30, 2007

October 30, 2007
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Guess whose birthday it is this week? Yes, yours truly, and I am looking forward to celebrating with my cute family on Thursday—break out the pink bubbles. When I was younger, each year my parents would ask me where I wanted to go for my birthday dinner, which is how I managed to experience Alain Rondelli, Boulevard, Postrio, and Hawthorne Lane back in my twenties. I’d practically spend the entire year plotting my birthday destination. My, how things have changed, because all I want to do on my birthday now is have a nice home-cooked meal! Hello tri-tip steak, oven-roasted potatoes, and black magic cake!

So, it’s time to get serious. Actually, Sirius, because I’ll be on the Martha Stewart Living Today show with Kerry Nolan this Friday at noon (Pacific time)! And yes, I will watch my mouth. For those of you who want to listen in (hi mom!), you can get a free three-day trial here.

Lastly, the open-mic memorial for Enrico Banducci at Enrico’s on Sunday was quite the scene, with a fair amount of folks with “Banducci” on their nametags, and packed with a motley crew of politicos, ex-dancers, singers, Italian dudes, and other assorted Broadway weathered types out to represent. Fab fashions were in full effect, from aquamarine suits to a Jack La Lanne-type in a tank top to “cute little dog as accessory.” Everyone involved with the restaurant was quite relieved with the Chronicle review, which came out the same day. The new digs look great—I’m looking forward to catching dinner and a show with Veronica Klaus on an upcoming Tuesday this month. Pictured at left are new owner Christina Deeb (AKA hostess with mostess) and her brother, Michael.

Cheers, babies!


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