Oh, the temptation to go to the beach and blow off this week’s ‘hopper. It feels like our last hurrah. But that would be totally irresponsible now, wouldn’t it? Then again, I know you wouldn’t put it past me.
Since we’re on the subject of bad habits, one could say I am contributing far too much to your drinking proclivities with my weekly “where to booze” reports, with who is pouring what, where. Well, cheers to that. Here’s your chance to enjoy a beer, or whatever else you decide to pour in it, in a custom Upper Playground beer mug designed by SF artist Jeremy Fish. I adore the walrus—it’s exactly how you should look and feel after a few mugs of suds, foam mustache included. Thanks to the cool cats at Upper Playground, I am giving away three mugs, so all you need to do is forward the tablehopper newsletter to three of your fave drinking buddies, and just cc luckyme [at] tablehopper [dot] com. (I won’t use anyone’s emails for anything—this is just to track how many folks you forwarded it to!). Deadline to enter is midnight on Sunday, October 28. I’ll notify the winner early next week! Hic!
Speaking of hic (!), tonight is WhiskeyFest, so you know where I will be (AFTER working out, thankyouverymuch).
Now stretch. And swirl. Hic.
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