I certainly had fun tablehoppin' around town this past week so I could taste my namesake/100th-issue anniversary cocktails. A big, honkin' thanks to Alembic, Absinthe, Presidio Social Club, and Cantina for concocting the swell swill! Those were some mighty fine dranks, with such clever names. And extra grazie to those of you who tried 'em with me! I loved seeing such cute pics of you enjoying them, thanks for sending! Congrats to Christopher D., who sent a pic of himself sippin' the 100 Tuesdays cocktail at Absinthe—he has (appropriately) won a copy of The Art of the Bar!
Also, congrats to Cecilia who won the tickets to the Artisan Cheese Festival that is happening this weekend in Petaluma. Thanks to all of you who provided suggestions on the reviews you'd like to see next—look for 'em in coming weeks!
Sunday night was the fourth tablehopper supper at Piccino in Dogpatch—what a feast! A bollito misto-sized thanks to the kind and talented crew at Piccino for hosting such an intimate and delicious dinner (I know where I want to host my next birthday dinner party!), and to Donnafugata/Folio for providing stunning wines (the Ben Ryé was a big hit over dessert, no surprise there). Check out our group's list of favorite restaurants—this time we each picked our favorite "high" and "low" places. The next supper will probably be in May, after everyone's tax woes subside. Ack.
Since many will be suffering from diminishing funds in April, this week I'm doing a roundup of three cheap eats places around town, including two that will give you yet another reason to visit the Dogpatch neighborhood for vittles.
Next Monday, I'm breaking my "no leaving the house on Monday night rule" yet again, this time to be one of the judges at the Battle of the Chefs event at Macy's. The competition is between two of the City's best Marks: chef Mark Sullivan of Spruce, and Mark Denham at Laïola. Unfortunately all the tickets for this event are sold out, but the next battle's tickets go on sale March 24; the competition will be between Ian Begg of Café Majestic and Joel Huff of Silks.
Oh, and last week I was interviewed about where I like to eat (and drink) in SF and more by the swank ladies at Splendora—check it out here.
Yup, spring is fast approaching, and if the thought of exposing your Bingo Wings is freaking you out, you might want to check out a freebie Fit Camp class with SF Titans—read all about it in this week's health nut. Maybe we can run stairs together.
Cheers dollinks,
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