For those of you who celebrate it, did you have a hoppin' Easter? My dad got the thumbs up from the family for cooking the tastiest baby goat ever this year. Braising magic. Plus some pasta al forno, and cannoli for dessert, what's not to love?
I'm fired up to check out a few events this Saturday at the inaugural Pebble Beach Food & Wine shindig, running March 27–30. There are still tickets left for a few of the events, so check it out if you'd like to rub elbows with some celeb chef and winemaker types—a bunch will be there, from Keller to Trotter to Alain Passard and Philippe Legendre making the trip across the pond, plus wine-related events too (Harlan Estate retrospective tasting, anyone?).
As if I don't have enough to do each week, I'm also going to be writing a new weekly column, Foodie 411, for the San Francisco Convention and Visitor's Bureau on their new "Taste" portion of the site. It's launching today, so feel free to check it out!
A couple weeks ago I announced a few Hip Tastes events, and now the talented wino behind them, Courtney Cochran, offered to give away three copies of her fab new book, appropriately named Hip Tastes: The Fresh Guide to Wine.
So, how do you enter to win? Just forward this newsletter to one person (or more, thanks!) and cc luckyme [at] tablehopper [dot] com when you send it to your peeps—it's best if you explain why you're emailing it to them, and what tablehopper is. I promise I won't be collecting your friends' emails, those will stay private—I just need to keep track that you forwarded it to some folks. The deadline to enter is by midnight, Sunday, March 30. I will be randomly drawing the winners and will email you to let you know you've won. Good luck! And if you don't win a book, you have two weeks to get Hip Tastes for 20% off from our buddies at Green Apple Books.
~ Marcia
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