Well, buon giorno. Last night I actually left my laptop for a few hours so I could be a judge with GraceAnn Walden and Jessica Battilana of 7x7 at the Battle of the Chefs at Macy's Cellar. It's a fun event, but as a judge, you're in a tough spot, especially when the competition is between rockin' chefs like Mark Denham of Laiola and Mark Sullivan of Spruce. It was "Battle Chorizo," and Sullivan ended up winning by two points. Kudos to both of them on their fab dishes they put together in 45 minutes—the flavors made me want to return to both restaurants, like, now. The tickets for the next Battle go on sale March 24.
This Saturday I headed up to Petaluma with my dad for the Artisan Cheese Festival—we caught a couple demos and a presentation from the ladies of Cowgirl Creamery. Speaking of ladies… Guys, if you're single and looking for chicks, whether you're a young buck or a silver fox, go to a cheese festival. Seriously. The place was crawling with chicas.
Since we're talking about men, women, and hooking up, be sure to take a look in the chatterbox for a special (and rather racy) giveaway this week. It's also time sensitive, so don't delay!
Oh, and just a friendly little reminder to you folks who have tapped me for a tip please request in the past: if you've already dined out, can you please respond and let me know how it went? There are a bunch of folks who have never responded (you know who you are, ahem), so that means you can't use the service again. Even if you didn't end up using my recommendation, that's totally cool—just let me know!
Cheers my dears,
~ Marcia (rhymes with Garcia)
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