I successfully survived last week’s onslaught of fabulous living—the highlight was the ridiculously fantastic LCD Soundsystem show at Mezzanine, which gave me faith in how many cool, fun people live in this city and still know how to rock it, hard. The Golden Glass event on Saturday featured some swell swill—followed it up with an impromptu dinner at the gleaming new Farina on 18th Street. Like, wow, what a gorgeous gorgeous space. Nothing like it in the City, that’s for sure. Our dinner had some highs (supple mandilli al pesto, the almond semifreddo) and lows (chewy octopus salad)—but it’s the first week, to be expected. People are lovin’ the BYOB/no corkage until the liquor license kicks in.
This week holds Hot Chip at the Fillmore tonight (my boogie sessions continue—I consider it exercise), and on Wednesday, a trip across the Bay gasp (!) to Oliveto for the Oceanic Dinners (they go through Saturday). Can you say octopus soppressata, tramezzini of sand dabs, and triglie? I am soooo there.
Okay, this is one of those moments when I have to share a good laugh with you at my expense: let’s call this particular episode “Lost in Translation.” Remember those strawberries I was raving about last week from my family’s farmer friend? Well, whaddya know, the city slicker misunderstood farmer Dominic’s thick Italian accent—while I thought the name “chandelier” was such a groovy name for those candy-sweet strawberries, ends up they are called Chandlers. Ha! Thanks Janet and Tana for keeping me on track.
So I thought I’d put this out there: tablehopper is getting ready for version 2.0, and I need to find a CMS (Content Management System) guru out there. If you know someone talented yet affordable, please send them my way and I’ll pass along my RFP. Thanks for helping with the quest!
Catch ya on the flip side,
~Marcia (rhymes with pizzeria)
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