Yo, color me stoked! Big thanks to the editors at the San Francisco Bay Guardian for voting tablehopper “Best Fresh Scuttlebutt” in the Best of the Bay 2007 lineup. And bonus, they spelled my name right AND didn’t call tablehopper a blog. Looking forward to the party on Friday, and hanging my award here at headquarters.
You know, some folks ask me how I manage to crank out such a long column each week, and I have to confess, it’s more often than not thanks to my crack dealer Jimmy on 16th and Mission. Seriously good product. Uh, kidding.
Actually, this week’s installment was given some extra gas because I have been totally rocking out to local band Von Iva’s rowdy, sassy, disco-electro-dance punky inflected new album (“Our Own Island”) that just showed up in my mailbox this week. That was some good mail. And yes, that was a major plug, but I am digging the album a lot, so there you have it. (It comes out August 7.)
I made it home from Lake Tahoe (AKA heaven) on Friday in time for the Daft Punk show at the Greek (OMG, what a disco-space-tastic show, one of the best stage sets ever) and, like, whoa, I’ve been in the same city for four days. It actually feels good.
Over and out,
~Marcia “the second g is silent” Gagliardi
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