I’m the first to admit it: my social calendar has been out of control this past week. And my dance card. Full-tilt boogie.Last Tuesday, I got to check out the Prada store opening party (uh, hello, catering by Thomas Keller, who I spotted roaming around for a split second—thank you for the best summer corn soup of my life, and yay on the free-flowing Ruinart), and I finished my faux-society evening with some tipple at Clock Bar and Le Club; Wednesday was the swell/swill Tequila and corn dinner at Orson; Thursday I was in Napa doing research for a wine country piece I’m workin’ on, where I got to experience the outstanding Beard House tasting menu at ubuntu; and Friday I happily punched the clock and stayed in—shocking, I know, but I wanted a salad and a booze-free night… And I was gearing up for Saturday, which I knew was going to be quite the kicker.
So, about that Saturday: I tripped the light fantastic with two charming Texan ladies who won a Visit California promotion that included a "night on the town with the tablehopper." Poor things, it was like culinary boot camp! We started with cocktails and bites at Jardinière (mmm, the Pesca di Milano made with Dimmi, fresh peach, Bluecoat Gin, and lemon went great with the pork belly sliders), hopped in the Town Car to Spruce for a swank dinner (the ladies were impressed with the whole show), and then finished with dessert at Michael Mina. I then hailed a cab, pulled a Superman quick change at home, making the taxi wait outside, and headed back out to burn off some calories dancing until some ungodly hour at Mezzanine. After writing all day Sunday (I gotta work sometime), I went out late for even more dancing at Mezzanine, home by a conservative 2am. Hey, at least I live up to my name. And who let the dogs out? I better watch it, before someone calls animal control on me.
I am really looking forward to tonight’s tablehopper supper at Rubicon. I know a couple folks had to cancel, so there’s some room if you still want to come! It’s going to be such a special dinner (The pig! The wine! The people! The rumors!), so I hope you can make it.
Coming up: I’m going to be moderating a very cool panel at The Commonwealth Club’s INFORUM on Wednesday August 20th called “Top Chefs Tell All.” You’ll be able to read all about it in the socialite (yes, almost all of our local contestants from this year’s recent Top Chef season will be on the panel). Since I sure a lot of folks will want tickets to this event, I have a pair of tickets to give away!
Here’s how to win: submit the (burning) question you’d like to ask the panel to luckyme [at] tablehopper [dot] com. I’ll pick the most interesting question, or just the one I think really should be asked. The winner will not only get a pair of tickets to the panel, but also gets to ask their question at the event (you’ll be put at the front of the queue during the Q&A part of the program). Just submit your question to luckyme [at] tablehopper [dot] com by midnight on Friday August 1st and I’ll let you know if you won next week!
We also have my favorite local “hophead” Dave McLean, who wrote a wino piece on what else, but beer! In honor of his inaugural visit to the ‘hopper, I decided it was the perfect time for an update on his second SF project, The Alembic. Read all about it in the regular.
See you on the town! (Uh huh.)
~ Marcia

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