A Manhattan-sized hello and MEOW from NYC—it was a miracle I even made it here considering STORM 2008 was going full-tilt when I was flying out of SF on Friday. And miracle number two: it's something like 68 degrees today. I know, huh?!
Highlights thus far: the Richard Prince show at the Guggenheim (yes, I went to a museum), Lucian Freud at MOMA (no, not Momofuku—yet), a gorg omakase linner (that's lunch/dinner) at Blue Ribbon Sushi, a deliciously intimate industry cocktail and bites session at Bouley Test Kitchen with Lillet cocktails galore from talented local bartenders, and Bouley himself and crew turning out gorgeous bites of decadence (I was like pinch pinch, is this all real?), and the Black Flip and Chang Dog I had at PDT Sunday night. I'll be doing a jetsetter recap once I return, promises promises, but for now, let's get cracking, because I have some yakitori places to hit and pizzas to eat!
Oh, but before I dive in here, I wanted to do my own little matchmaker shout-out for a web developer skilled in html. I am looking for someone to code a drop-down menu that my designer will already have designed… You got the skillz? Know someone who does? Please drop me a line!
Doh, I also wanted to let you know about the giveaway I'm doing this week: a pair of tickets for the annual Make-A-Wish Wine and Wishes gourmet food and wine tasting (more below in the socialite). To enter the drawing, one, you have to be a tablehopper subscriber, and two, you have to forward this week's newsletter to just two people (or more is great, you star you) in order to be eligible to win. Just cc luckyme [at] tablehopper [dot] com when you forward the newsletter to your pals (it's best if you explain why you're sending it to them). No, I won't be collecting your friends' emails, those will stay private—I just need to keep track of how many folks you forwarded it to. The deadline to enter is by midnight, Sunday, January 13. I will be randomly drawing the winner and will email you to let you know you've won next week. Good luck!
I heart New York (and you too),
~ Marcia
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