Well, I am back from NYC, and I think I have finally caught up on my sleep. Catching up on my work is another matter entirely. And I have caught a cold. Blergh. Since I missed you, and the holiday restaurant madness is over, I decided it’s time to host the third tablehopper supper! It’s coming up in a couple weeks—read all about it in the socialite.
This week I’ve also got another fun giveaway for you. This was one of my favorite events last year: tickets to the walk-around food and wine Good Eats event at Fort Mason during the ZAP festival (more on this below, in the socialite). It’s quite the feast, and a really social event. I’ll be giving away a pair of tickets to one lucky winner! To enter the drawing, one, you have to be a tablehopper subscriber, and two, you have to forward this week's newsletter to just two people (or more is great, you rock star, you) in order to be eligible to win. Just cc luckyme [at] tablehopper [dot] com when you forward the newsletter to your pals (it's best if you explain why you're sending it to them). I promise I won't be collecting your friends' emails, those will stay private—I just need to keep track of how many folks you forwarded it to.
Since the event is next Thursday, the deadline to enter is by midnight, this Friday, January 18. I will be randomly drawing the winner and will email you over the weekend to let you know you've won. Good luck!
Ciao chow and meow,
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