As planned, last week was a total tasty blast, and included Tuesday’s -LIOCO dinner at Conduit and the “Three on Five” beverage battle/sommelier smackdown at Fifth Floor. Let me tell you, it’s tough to agree or even disagree with a somm sitting next to you with a custom-designed cloche around their neck that says “Lord of All Sommeliers.” (Yes, I am talking about you, Paul Einbund, oh Lord.)
It was beginning to smell like a cheese cave over here at tablehopper HQ with all of your entries to the Artisan Cheese Festival contest. Thank you everyone who wrote in! I now have a bunch of ideas for new-to-me cheeses to hunt down. Looks like some favorites amongst you cheese heads are Brillat-Savarin (says one reader, “It’s like crack in a rind!”—I couldn’t have said it better), Mimolette (“Who wouldn't love a cheese created by mites!”), fabulously stinky Epoisses, La Tur, Humboldt Fog, and Manchego. Plus one vote for American cheese, heh. For those who didn’t win but still want to go, you can read all the event details here.

It’s time to think green, and I am not talking all eco and Hybrid and reclaimed wood, my friends. What I’m talking about is a total festa del pesto! I am going to be hosting a special tablehopper event at Farina on the evening of Thursday March 5th, and it was designed with our current hard financial times in mind. Read all about it in the socialite, and I hope to see you there! Let’s feast at the festa!
And now, in the “completely blown away” department, it ends up my ad sales rock star, Kate, totally pulled the best three-year anniversary surprise on me, and secretly asked some of my colleagues and industry friends (and generous sponsors!) to sign an imaginary tablehopper birthday card of sorts. She sprung the document on me yesterday, chock-full of warm-fuzzy comments. Awwww shucks. [Insert big ole blush here.]
It’s ultimately quite embarrassing (and not very humble) to publish nice things about yourself, but I am including the kind regards at the end of this week’s chatterbox since that was the point of it all. What a gift. Purr purr. Thank you all SO much for the sweet words and wishes and support—it makes all my late Monday nights oh-so worth it. I feel very fortunate to work with such fab folks.
And thank YOU Kate, you stinker! You’re gonna get it.
Laissez le bon temps roulez!